Bangka Belitung to host Regional Regulation Formation Agency meeting


Pangkalpinang, Bangka Belitung (ANTARA) – The Bangka Belitung Islands will host the National Coordination Meeting of the Regional Regulation Formation Agency (Bapemperda) on July 5-8, 2023.”We together with the Regional Legislative Council (DPRD) are discussing preparations for the meeting,” Acting Governor of Bangka Belitung Islands Suganda Pandapotan Pasaribu said after receiving provincial legislative member Adet Mastur, here on Sunday. He said around 1,600 participants will attend the national coordination meeting that involves all Bapemperdas throughout Indonesia so that the national meeting needs to be prepared well. “The preparation for the meeting must be carried out properly so that the activities can run well, smoothly, and safely,” he said. In the meeting, the Bangka Belitung Islands will present a number of regional regulation formation programs (Propemperda), such as regional taxes and retributions, and regional spatial planning.

Source: Antara News Agency