BPOM celebrates Environment Day by planting 10.000 medicinal plants


Jakarta (ANTARA) – The National Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) participated in commemorating World Environment Day 2023 by planting 10,000 medicinal plants simultaneously throughout Indonesia.”Planting these (medicinal) plants is part of our movements. With all BPOM branches throughout Indonesia, we were able to plant 10,000 medicinal plants,” the Head of BPOM, Penny K Lukito, mentioned in a press conference on Sunday. She informed that the process of collecting tree seedlings required a long process. However, with the active involvement of all parties, the event can be held simultaneously in remote districts/cities. Lukito conveyed that the medicinal plants consist of nutmeg, noni, and moringa leaves. The planting event was also attended by representatives from relevant ministries/institutions, such as from Ministry of Health, Ministry of Agriculture, and National Development Planning Agency. Through the activity, BPOM seeks for people’s understanding on itsrole in maintaining a sustainable environment apart from being mandated as a regulator and supervisor in the manufacture and distribution of drugs and food. “Our role includes ensuring the availability of a supply chain for the drug and food industry, but still prioritizing the sustainability of raw materials in a safe and efficacious way,” she added.

Source: Antara News Agency