Cambodia Speaks Highly of Cordial Relations with Cuba


The bilateral relations between Cambodia and Cuba are cordial and based on common value, mutual respect, honesty, and mutual interest, which constitute a strong basis for the expansion of existing cooperation in the areas of education, sports, culture, diplomacy, especially agriculture and health.

The remarks were made by Samdech Moha Rathsapheathika Thipadei Khuon Sudary, President of the National Assembly (NA) of Cambodia, while receiving here at the NA Palace on June 12 a courtesy call from H.E. Ms. Milena Caridad Zaldivar Piedra, newly appointed Ambassador of Cuba to Cambodia.

The Cambodian NA president laid stress on the significance of Cambodia-Cuba cooperation in this current rapidly changing and high-risk world situation, which not only brings benefits to the two countries, but also contributes to the maintenance of peace, social stability, world order and the promotion of multilateral mechanisms.

For the cooperation between the two legislative bodies, Samdech Khuon Sudary recalled their mutual su
pport on inter-parliamentary forums and highlighted the key role of Cambodia-Cuba and Cuba-Cambodia Parliamentary Friendship Groups in bridging the relations between both countries’ parliaments and peoples.

The Cambodian NA will support the Cuban NA’s candidacy as an observer of the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA) during the upcoming 45th AIPA General Assembly in Laos, she affirmed.

For her part, H.E. Ms. Milena Caridad Zaldivar Piedra thanked Cambodia for her support to Cuba, particularly her vote against sanctions on Cuba and her donation in milled rice during the COVID-19 crisis.

The new diplomat expressed her commitment to continue fostering the ties of friendship and cooperation between the two countries and reaffirmed Cuba’s support to Cambodia’s human resource development through continued provision of scholarships to Cambodian students.

Source: Agence Kampuchea Presse