Ministry, Bawaslu form task force to monitor online campaigns


Jakarta (ANTARA) – The Ministry of Communication and Informaticsand the General Elections Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) have formed a task force to monitor political campaigns on social media ahead of the 2024 General Elections.The task force will also work to prevent the spread of unlawful content on social media ahead of the elections, which are scheduled to take place on February 14, 2024. Director General of Public Information and Communication at the ministry, Usman Kansong, told ANTARA here on Saturday that the task force’s formation is a follow-up to the cooperation between the ministry and Bawaslu, which is aimed at preventing, monitoring, and taking action against unlawful and negative contents on the internet. ccording to the General Elections Commission’s (KPU) Regulation Number 15 of 2023, general election participants can carry out political campaigns through maximally 20 accountson every type of platform, which should firstly registered at the KPU. There are three platforms that have expressed their commitment to supporting the goal of smart general elections in Indonesia: META, Twitter, and Google, Kansong informed. Therefore, the appointed members of the task force can directly coordinate with the representatives of the three platforms if they find violations involving election-related content on social media. Separately on Saturday, a member of Bawaslu’s Division for Handling Violations and Information Data, Puadi, explained that for campaigns in the digital space, Bawaslu’s role will be to examine various content suspected of violating the rules. If the content is proven to have violated the rules, the agency will provide a recommendation to the Ministry of Communication and Informaticsto take the content down or even, close the account, Puadi added.

Source: Antara News Agency