Nusantara roads may recharge EVs in future: task force


Jakarta (ANTARA) – The Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Ministry’s task force for infrastructure development implementation in the state capital (IKN) Nusantara is exploring equipping roads in IKN with the technology to recharge electric vehicles (EVs).”There is a technology that we are exploring; IKN itself only (allows) electric vehicles and roads in IKN can later recharge the vehicle when passing,” the head of the IKN infrastructure development implementation task force, Danis Sumadilaga, told ANTARA in Jakarta on Monday. ccording to Sumadilaga, the technology for electrified roads, or roads on which electric vehicles can recharge while driving, has already been tested in several countries. “We’ll try later in certain sections, whether the technology can become a charging lane for electric vehicles,” he informed. In addition, EV charging facilities have also been provided at rest and service areas (TIP) located on toll roads at IKN. Based on Law Number 3 of 2022 concerning State Capitals, future travel at IKN Nusantara will involve innovations for improving travel through mobility as a service (MaaS), dynamic route search, and future mobility modes using electric vehicles as well as connected and autonomous vehicles for public transportation. The IKN Nusantara city transportation system will use a combination of electricity- and hydrogen-based vehicles. The electric vehicles deployed in the capital will be equipped with new technology. s a smart forest city, IKN will adopt initiatives to ensure that the provision of transportation prioritizes the principle of low emissions (net zero emissions), including through the use of electric vehicles.

Source: Antara News Agency